
mardi 29 janvier 2013

Biztalk : Comment Lister les Send Port arrêtés


Ce petit Post vous donne une maniéré rapide pour attaquer la base de données BizTalkMgmtDb directement pour lister les Send Ports arrêtés .

    RL.Name AS ReceiveLocationName
    , RL.InboundTransportURL AS InboundTransportURL
    , RP.nvcName AS ReceivePortName
FROM BizTalkMgmtDb.dbo.adm_ReceiveLocation AS RL WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK)
    INNER JOIN BizTalkMgmtDb.dbo.bts_receiveport AS RP WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK)
        ON RL.ReceivePortId = RP.nID
    INNER JOIN BizTalkMgmtDb.dbo.bts_application AS APP WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK)
        ON RP.nApplicationID = APP.nID
    APP.nvcName = '?'
    AND RL.[Disabled] = -1
    AND RL.Name NOT LIKE '%Disabled%'

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Biztalk : Comment Lister les Receive Locations arrêtés


Ce petit Post vous donne une maniéré rapide pour attaquer la base de données BizTalkMgmtDb directement pour lister les Receive Locations arrêtés .

    SPTP.nvcAddress AS SendingURI
    , SP.nvcName AS SendPortName
    BizTalkMgmtDb.dbo.bts_sendport_transport AS SPTP WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK)
    INNER JOIN BizTalkMgmtDb.dbo.bts_sendport AS SP WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK)
        ON SPTP.nSendPortID = SP.nID
    INNER JOIN BizTalkMgmtDb.dbo.bts_application AS APP WITH(READPAST, ROWLOCK)
        ON SP.nApplicationID = APP.nID
    APP.nvcName = '?'
    AND SP.nPortStatus <> 3
    AND SP.nvcName NOT LIKE '%unenlisted%'
    AND SPTP.nTransportTypeId IS NOT NULL

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Biztalk :Comment récupérer les Receive/Send ports informations depuis la base BizTalkMgmtDb

Bonjour ,
sans doute vous serez face a la situation ou vous avez beaucoup  Send/Receive Ports dans votre Application ,est vous avez besoin de récupérer ces informations rapidement .

ce petit Post vous donne une maniéré rapide pour attaquer la base de données BizTalkMgmtDb directement.

NB:  les requêtes ne sont pas optimisées , je vous laisse le choix de les mouler comme vous le souhaiter :)

  • Receive Ports Informations : 
                      adm_Host.Name AS Host, adm_Adapter.Name AS transporttype, bts_receiveport.nvcName AS [Receive port name], 
                      adm_ReceiveLocation.Name AS [Receive Location]
FROM         bts_receiveport INNER JOIN
                      adm_ReceiveLocation ON bts_receiveport.nID = adm_ReceiveLocation.ReceivePortId INNER JOIN
                      adm_Adapter INNER JOIN
                      adm_ReceiveHandler ON adm_Adapter.Id = adm_ReceiveHandler.AdapterId INNER JOIN
                      adm_Host ON adm_ReceiveHandler.HostId = adm_Host.Id ON adm_ReceiveLocation.AdapterId = adm_Adapter.Id AND 
                      adm_ReceiveLocation.ReceiveHandlerId = adm_ReceiveHandler.Id

  • Sends Port Informations : 

SELECT DISTINCT adm_Host.Name AS Host, adm_Adapter.Name AS transporttype, bts_sendport.nvcName AS [Send Port], bts_sendport_transport.nvcAddress AS Adresse
FROM         adm_Adapter INNER JOIN
             adm_SendHandler ON adm_Adapter.Id = adm_SendHandler.AdapterId INNER JOIN
             bts_sendport INNER JOIN
            bts_sendport_transport ON bts_sendport.nID = bts_sendport_transport.nSendPortID ON adm_Adapter.Id = bts_sendport_transport.nTransportTypeId AND 
            adm_SendHandler.Id = bts_sendport_transport.nSendHandlerID INNER JOIN
            adm_Host ON adm_SendHandler.HostId = adm_Host.Id

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